
COVID-19 Cases (last 28 days)

Updated a year ago · Last checked a year ago · Checked every 7 days

  • LGA (Local) [0]
  • LGA (Overseas) [0]
  • NSW (Local) [0]
  • NSW (Overseas) [0]
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Council is not responsible, liable and cannot guarantee that any data, information, and materials contained through this platform are accurate, current or complete. All requests should rather be directed to a data authority.

Data sources

NSW Health

Displaying 7/7

Updated a year ago · Last checked a year ago · Checked every 7 days

Case Locations / Transmission Venues

Displaying 0/0

Valid as of 09/09/2024 8:32:11 PM · Checked every 30 minutes

Valid as of 09/09/2024 8:32:11 PM · Checked every an hour

No COVID-19 Public Transport Routes identified in NSW


Vaccination Clinics

Displaying 88/88

Updated 2 years ago · Last checked 2 years ago · Checked every 6 hours

Testing Clinics

Displaying 4/4

Updated a year ago · Last checked a year ago · Checked every 6 hours


Displaying 0/0

Valid as of 09/09/2024 8:32:11 PM · Checked every 6 hours


Displaying 9/9

Updated 2 years ago · Last checked 4 months ago · Checked every an hour

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